DH2023 in Graz: SPARQL for (Digital) Humanists

The workshop ‘SPARQL for (Digital) Humanists – Querying Wikidata and the MiMoTextBase‘ will be hosted by the project ‘Mining and Modeling Text’ from Trier University at the Digital Humanities Conference 2023 in Graz. It aims to provide theoretical and practical insights into modeling data using the Linked Open Data paradigm, introduce the syntax of SPARQL query language, and demonstrate the benefits of knowledge graph representation.

The adoption of the Linked Open Data paradigm is becoming increasingly evident not only in cultural and memory institutions but also in DH projects. This paradigm strives to present data in an open, easily accessible, interoperably linked, machine-readable, and long-term available manner. In line with these principles, the project “Mining and Modeling Text” (Trier University in Germany) has opted for the use of Wikibase, an open and free software that features its own SPARQL endpoint. Wikibase has gained popularity not only within Wikidata but also among various research projects.

To facilitate knowledge sharing and practical application of data modeling in the humanities, particularly in the context of literary history, the project team will be hosting a half-day workshop at DH 2023 in Graz. The primary objectives of this workshop are to provide theoretical and practical insights into modeling data using the Linked Open Data paradigm, to offer an introduction to the SPARQL query language syntax, and demonstrate the benefits of representing data as knowledge graphs. The workshop will mainly focus on teaching SPARQL through both theoretical discussions and hands-on exercises. By the end of the workshop, participants will gain the necessary competence to comprehend the structure of SPARQL and independently write simple to moderately complex queries.

The workshop will take place on Monday, 10th July 2023, from 1:30pm to 5:30pm at the University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 3, A-8010 Graz, Workshop Venue 8, RESOWI | Section D | Third Floor | SR 15.34.

+++ Update: Please note that the workshop is already fully booked! However, an online SPARQL tutorial is available for self-learning the syntax. +++